Indy SX After-Party
This year marks the 1st year for the Supercross Series to visit the brand new Lucas Oil Stadium and it also marks the 9th Annual Indy Supercross After-Party, ‘The Original Indy Supercross After Party.”
Over the years this event has been celebrated as the official destination for the industry with Mike LaRocco’s appearance after his Indy win being one of the most memorable of them all.
This year’s event will top them all with an enclosed patio, various giveaways, drink specials all night long and of course DJ Sunny entertaining the masses. Brought to you by Westfield Yamaha Suzuki, FOX and Oakley.
Saturday February 28th, immediately following the Indy Supercross at the Ugly Monkey, located directly across the street from the stadium.
For more information and directions, please contact Ryan Marshallerson at or log on to