Dear Racer X,
Hello. My name is Diego Munguia. I live in the Mexico city of Cove, B.C, 100 miles to the south of San Diego, California. I have a subscription of the magazine by my breast. Its name is Marian Angela Luna. I have 13 years and my favorite sport is the motocross and I have handling as 7 years ago.
My Pope supports much to me and to taken to run to places like Stars West, Perrys, Barona Oaks, Cahuila Creek, Lake Elsinore and Mini Worlds Las Vegas, where it spends to the final race Sunday. In that year, in participates in cat. 65cc tapeworm 9 years of age I have been wanting to congratulate them by the magazine, much people in this part of Mexico for 3 years ago. My Pope I buy a land that has 50 acres and I make 2 tracks. When I cannot run in E.U.A, we make races here. The place is called Farm Motocross Ensenada, 10 minutes from the center of the city. November of the last year has herei Jeremy McGrath. I must poster signed if the givens thanks to the use track. Next month of May 17 and 18 we will our annual race and our sponsor Monster Energy. The prize for the class pro $4000.00 DLLS. Cash, trophies and many gifts. I like to much by their magazine to invite racers we want to know our track and city. L.A. Page Webb where are our races, at the moment handling a CRF150F expert answer to my note. If I’m sending the mail to the mistaken person to give it to the correct person. Answer me.
Dear Diego,
While I appreciate your effort, I have to tell you that at no time during that poorly translated, Spanish-to-English rant were you ever anywhere near making any sense whatsoever. I got your name, hometown and the fact that you may or may not have a subscription to Racer X held to your breast. Other than that, everything else is a blur. It sounds like you are going to the World Mini in Las Vegas (or Mini Worlds, as you call them), you have tapeworms, and you could be Catholic. I don’t know what your pope has to do with motorcycles, though. Without sending this down to the CIA folks in Langley, I’m afraid we may never decipher your Latin American-moto code. Best of luck with your tapeworms.
Dear Sir Pingree, Hey, there's people in the stands! photo: Steve Cox
s it me, or are these one-off events a little ridiculous? Did they even bother to sell tickets to the Moto X Championships in San Diego this weekend? I caught a little of it on TV Sunday night and I didn’t see anyone in the stands. You would think that in the dirt-bike Mecca of San Diego they could get some people to show up, but I don’t even think that the riders’ parents were there. I learned my lesson to not go to these things. I went to the Inaugural Jeremy McGrath Invitational (yawn) a couple years ago and was completely disappointed (notice they never had the second annual). Hey, I like paying $8.50 for a beer as much as the next guy, but these events are nothing compared to watching the Nationals, or even Supercross. So my question to you, oh God of everything moto: Why do they continue to have these one-off events if no one shows up? Can they possibly be bringing in money?
In breathless anticipation,
Scott T.
P.S. Did you see RC getting owned by his handlebars on the high jump? I guess practicing left hand turns doesn’t payoff like you would think in the high jump.
Dear Scott,
What you have to understand about ESPN is that everything they do is made-for-television. I think we could all agree that the X Games are a success, right? Well, think back to the first five or six years of that event; they didn’t even charge spectators to come and watch. It was free to the public. They make their money on the television side of things and gear the entire event around making it look good for TV. The Moto X World Championships are being organized the same way. There was only an estimated 12,000 people there on Sunday (which looked really sparse in a stadium that seats nearly 80,000) but that would have been enough to make the Home Depot Center look well-attended. And believe me when I tell you that ESPN gets viewers. The supermoto final from last summers X Games was viewed by so many people it would take five rounds of Live Nation’s Supercross series on SPEED to match it. Those are big numbers, and while this event might have a slightly smaller following because it is new, it will catch on.
As far as Jeremy’s event goes, I think you are being a little harsh. It was packed into a weekend where a lot of people had other things going on. Jeremy put that event on hold for this year but he still has plans to bring it back in the future, possibly at PetCo Park in San Diego. If you are a real fan of motorcycle racing I think you should stop bitching and enjoy the fact that you can see more racing, live, on your TV or in person.
And believe me; if RC hadn’t stalled his bike when he landed he would have won the step-up event. He was going five feet higher than anyone else even when he didn’t have to. That guy doesn’t need a lot of practice to be amazing on a motorcycle.
Hey Ping!
First off just want to tell you I love your journalism. Your humor always makes me laugh out loud. Anywhoo, Here’s my question… What is up with all this “asterisk” b$%&*@!t! Chad Reed wins championship because “*asterisk*” James Stewart got hurt and Ricky retired. If Kevin Windham wins the championship, will the headline be, “K-Dub wins only title because ‘*asterisk*’ Chad Reed got hurt”? How ‘bout, Davi Milsaps wins Detroit Supercross because “*asterisk*” Chad Reed got hurt. I bet that would piss Davi off. What about this one… David Pingree wins Supermoto Race because “*asterisk*” no one else did. Every racer that lines up on that gate wants to win, and there is a chance that they might. Anyone can win any race on any given day, PERIOD! Be it Nascar, Moto GP, SUPERMOTO or whatever. Hell, what about Football, Baseball, Soccer? Anybody can win and there doesn’t have to be a F$#@%&g (excuse my language) “*asterisk*” next to the record. So the next time someone says the word “*asterisk*” I give YOU permission to shove that “*asterisk*” up their ass! Just make sure you wear rubber gloves!!! Have a nice day!
Tim “No Fear” McBride in Olathe, Kansas
Dear Tim,
I don’t know if you are a big Chad Reed fan, or if you have anger-management problems, or if you just really, really hate asterisks. Either way, you make a great point. I mentioned last week that part of winning championships is staying healthy and Chad has been really good at that. I hope that didn’t jinx him in Detroit. But whoever wins this championship will have earned it. If it’s Chad then he can hold his head up high, especially after gutting it out through this injury. If it ends up being Kevin, then it means he was the most consistent rider all year long. The title always goes to the guy with the most points at the end of the series and there shouldn’t be any second-guessing or what-iffing the results; it is what it is. Right now, I have no idea who is going to win any of the three Supercross titles up for grabs in the next few weeks. But I do know that whoever is holding up that number-one plate has earned it.
* You can disregard all of this if you want because my opinion doesn’t matter.
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