With a dozen of the world’s top freeriders gathered together for Red Bull Imagination, we found it was the perfect time to ask them what it means to be a freerider—and to ride free
WORDS: Sam Nicolini
PHOTOS: Chris Tedesco/Red Bull Content Pool
What does it mean to be free? For most, it is the ability to act or change without constraint, to be uninhibited. That is exactly what we found in Kansas for Red Bull Imagination, which is mastermind Tyler Bereman’s dream terrain come-to-life. Twelve of the best freeriders, freestylers, and motocross racers set loose on this remarkable course built by Dream Traxx’s Jason Baker.
“It’s not your typical, average course,” Bereman explained. “It’s just based on other action sports. I take features that I like in snowboarding, slope style snowboarding, or slope style mountain biking or whatever, and try to incorporate them and make them my moto version.”
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